The main topic of the conference are the stone monuments of the Roman provinces in their various forms of appearance as components of architectural and sculptural ensembles or as bearers of inscriptions. We aim to shed light on the wide-ranging informative value of these monuments and to place them in their cultural and historical context. We specifically welcome contributions that extend the methodological, chronological and geographical dimensions of our field of investigation in order to deepen the understanding of the main topic.

The aim of this event is to promote an integrative approach within the study of Roman provincial stone monuments by presenting new methods of research, including transition processes of Late Antiquity and prioritizing the peripheries of the Roman Empire. Contributions related to other types of finds, such as bronzes or coins, may be considered as long as they introduce new aspects related to the core theme.

Participants are invited to focus their presentations and discussions on one of the following main subjects:

– New methods of analysis, presentation and evaluation of ancient stone monuments
In this context we will investigate the value added and the perspectives offered by the increased use of scientific research methods as well as the employment of new technology in the recording, documentation and presentation of stone monuments.

– Monuments of Late Antiquity
We will consider to what extent the profound societal transformation that occurred from the 2nd half of the 3rd century onwards are reflected in the quantity, the appearance and the use of stone monuments. Particular attention will be paid to the chronology and the contextualisation of late antique provincial sculptures and the transition to early Christianity.

– New finds and current themes
Moreover, we are interested in the presentation and discussion of new finds during the colloquium. This is an opportunity to offer glimpses into current research projects and ongoing academic work.